Welcome to My Life in Baja!

Hi there, I'm Erin!

Baja holds a special place in my heart. My first visit here was as a wide-eyed 6-month-old meeting my grandmother who lived here. For the past 15 years, this magical place has been my full-time home, and I'm excited to share my journey and the lessons I've learned (and continue to learn) along the way.

Whether you're dreaming of a Baja life, seeking relocation tips, or simply craving a virtual connection, you've found the right spot! Here, you'll find my story, practical advice to empower women like you, and a celebration of the unique joys of living in Mexico.

Feeling a nudge towards something more? Perhaps a yearning for deeper connection, a vibrant community, or a life that feels more aligned? Many women experience this - a sense that something needs to shift, but the path forward isn't quite clear.

You're not alone! I've been there myself, and I'm here to guide you. I understand the feeling of being "in-between," that liminal space where you haven't quite left one life but haven't yet stepped fully into the next.

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“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Albert Einstein